Raccontare le storie dei tanti morti e feriti americani in Iraq, raccontare le loro vite, parlare con le loro famiglie.
Se le storie di questi ragazzi e ragazze, di questi uomini e donne sono relegate all’oblio dal disinteresse dei media tradizionali, se il presidente Bush non va a nessun funerale, forse questo compito tocca ai blog perchè purtroppo “there’s a family within five minutes of each of us with a member who has been killed or injured in Iraq“.
E’ il progetto proposto da Dave Winer nell’ambito di un dibattito sul rapporto blog e giornalismo :
..I believe we have to invent our own media, that to define success in terms of changing the old media is an exercise in futility. There’s a reason the President hasn’t been to any Iraq funerals, and there’s a reason CNN isn’t calling him on it, every day, in every broadcast. It hardly matters what the reason is anymore. What does matter is that we can do something about it.